Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Claytown Troupe - Day In The Life

[2020] Claytown Troupe - Day In The Life (Singles & Demos)
Had this band requested. Hadn't played them in years but found some singles etc on an old Hard Drive. One of those re-finds that I'm happy to have made. I'd forgotten just how good they were. Got some feelers out for the stuff I'm missing and anything live. If I get anything decent I'll pop it up.
Claytown Troupe - Day In The Life


  1. Thanks a lot...

    now I can only wait for the bootlegs

  2. Hi again (here's the Claytown Troupe fan)

    any chance of having some stuff from Gunfire Dance (singles, demos, bootlegs) ??

    Thanks a lot and keep it on, good job
