Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Shanghai'd Guts

Shanghai'd Guts

To me Shanghai'd Guts sounds like a cross between The Hollywood Brats, The Electric Boys, The Black Crowes and Mott The Hoople but everyone's ears are different. Whatever you want to think it's all awesome!

[1990] Shanghai'd Guts - With Love From St. Pauli (Vinyl)

[1991] Shanghai'd Guts - Out Of Tune

[1995] Shanghai'd Guts - Life Ain't Nothing But A Joke

[2015] Guts - Ain't It Strange

Shanghai'd Guts


  1. The Hollywood Brats, The Electric Boys, The Black Crowes and Mott The Hoople ...Nik I'm SOLD!!! be grabbin these after Xmas day Have a great one Thanks for all you do for us Merry Christmas (Marmike)

  2. Like Anonymous, I am downloading this based on the description of the sound like bands. Thanks for sharing and turning me on to new music from the past.
