Saturday 26 December 2020

Bob Dylan - Great White Wonder (1962 - 1969)

 [1969] Bob Dylan - Great White Wonder (1962 - 1969)

The infamous first Dylan Bootleg.

Bob Dylan - Great White Wonder (1962 - 1969)


  1. Firstly I would like to wish you and your family a very happy Christmas Nik, and thanks for all the great content you have shared with us, I remember finding this in a Junk shop in Cromer in the late 70's whilst on holiday, I wasn't a huge Dylan fan at the time (*That changed greatly) and at the time had a few of his 60's 45's but this was my first Dylan album and for 99p :)

  2. Merry Christmas to you and yours as well Mike. 99p and your first Dylan record... lucky bastard!
