Saturday 8 July 2023

The Clash

The Clash are of course legends, and deservedly so. They burst onto the "Punk" scene with one of the most blistering Debut albums I can think of. Eventually releasing six studio albums before calling it quits. Sure Sandanista is 95% pure self indulgence and both Combat Rock and Cut The Crap are a little questionable, but taken as a whole they released some absolutely astounding songs. From White Riot and London's Burning to English Civil War and Julie's Been Working For The Drug Squad to Spanish Bombs and Lost In The Supermarket, and on and on. Anyway in this large four volume post I've compiled, are what to me is the Clash Discography anyone really needs. But this is my opinion and I'm sure Clash purists would include several other things. Let me know what you think, and what other Discographies you would like to see.

The Clash Volume 1

The Clash Volume 2

The Clash Volume 3

The Clash Volume 4


  1. This is superb! After The Clash, Maybe The Damned? Or a Brian James Career spanning selection?

  2. Thanks nik very comperhensive collection... kitchen sink includuded lol :) I'm with you on the cut the crap...Sandanista would have been ok Trimmed to a single album, Love the first two albums and 80% of London calling and the Black market and super black Markets were great' Jail Guitar Doors and Pressure Drop are among my most played songs still . nice to get some collection plugs filled in this Mammoth drop :) (Marmike)
