Tuesday, 4 March 2025

And another...

And another... 

From the same legend! 


  1. Imagine how mad this guy would've been growing up when you had to GO OUTSIDE ANNND BUY MUSIC!!!

  2. Hi Nik,
    Hope this finds you keeping well…
    Don't worry about shitheads like this – keep up the good work, that's what I say!
    Take Care!

  3. I'm grateful for all your shares, regardless of the bitrate. I know if you come across a better version, you'll share it. Also, instead of complaining about no reups, maybe if you ask nicely and there's enough interest, we'll get one. If not, there's more than enough great stuff here to keep you occupied. Be grateful. There's a lot of stuff on here that's impossible to find. Thank you for all your hard work.

  4. Dickheads everywhere unfortunately, but they're a small minority. I really appreciate the effort you put into this blog, as I'm sure many others do.

  5. Thanks for your fantastic work Nik! Dickheads like this guy do not deserve to have access to this rock'n'roll treasure. Back in the day of tape trading, it was a hell of a job to get 10th generation crappy tapes with live shows or rarities. Now this bellend can have everything for free and even complains about bitrate...crazy! (NN)

  6. Pathetic! Don't mind this jerk, Nik.
