Thursday 24 November 2022

Brides Of Destruction

Brides Of Destruction

I've had Brides requested countless times over the years and lots of people have been after the original Demos. It's taken some time, but many thanks to George for sending them and the Live Bootleg through. You have made a lot of people very happy.

Brides Of Destruction


  1. WOW!!! Thanks George and Nik mucho appreciated Amigos (Marmike)

  2. Hello Nick
    sorry for the delay in my message but I have a folder with a different demos from 2003. The track list is different and some songs too.
    Do you want the download link?
    SALVA G.

  3. Hi again Nik
    The link:
    Just the folder with the songs, not rar.
    I hope you like it and I also hope you don't have these songs.
    SALVA G.
