Friday 15 September 2023

Babysitters, Demon Preacher, Hanoi Rocks - Book. Jimbo’s Livin Out Rock N Roll

Babysitters, Demon Preacher, Hanoi Rocks - Book. Jimbo’s Livin Out Rock N Roll

Here you go Marmike! Not read it yey but it's on my to buy list.

Jimbos Book!!!


  1. Thanks Nik :) some how I missed this was'nt coming up for me for a while unsure if it was a site Glitch. would love to Buy this but have an issue with pay pal and Ebay... I've mailed the Mighty Jimbo in case there are other routes :) Have checked Amazon and not coming up :( I'd urge everyone to supprt Jimbo as I know It's cost a lot of time and effort You can also Buy lots of other sitters related stuff at the above site too (Marmike)

  2. for anyone that's yet to see the Babysitters movie (Marmike)
